We should pay attention to the following aspects when starting the ventilation equipment:
1. Before starting, the inlet conditioning damper of the fan should be prohibited from closing to prevent operational errors and start with load.
2. After the Ammeter indicates that the no-load current is recovered, the opening of the adjustable damper is in the proper position.
3、 发动时因发动风机后迅速停机,判别风机是否有反常现象,如发现风机有反常决断停止使用,查看排除故障后方能正常发动。
3. When starting, due to the rapid shutdown of the fan after starting, determine if there is any abnormal phenomenon in the fan. If any abnormal decision is found to stop using the fan, check and eliminate the fault before starting it normally.
4. Check whether the lubricating oil level of the bearing is normal, the water supply condition of the cooling water pipe, the coupling is intact, and the manhole door is closed.
5 、留意发动的时刻以及空载电
州苗木 保定电动门 保定空压机 化粪池模具 微型蠕动泵 保定强夯 收费岛模具流是否正常。
5. Pay attention to the starting time and whether the no-load current is normal.
6. Check if there are any abnormalities in the operation of the ventilation equipment.
7. In order to prevent impurities from being cleaned inside the fan during the installation of the new device, the ventilation duct quickly shuts down the fan after starting it to determine if there is any abnormal phenomenon in the fan. If any abnormal decision is found, stop using the fan and check and eliminate the fault before starting it normally